Class RegexFormatter

    • Constructor Detail

      • RegexFormatter

        public RegexFormatter()
      • RegexFormatter

        public RegexFormatter​(String pattern)
                       throws PatternSyntaxException
        Creates a regular expression based AbstractFormatter. pattern specifies the regular expression that will be used to determine if a value is legal.
      • RegexFormatter

        public RegexFormatter​(Pattern pattern)
        Creates a regular expression based AbstractFormatter. pattern specifies the regular expression that will be used to determine if a value is legal.
    • Method Detail

      • setPattern

        public void setPattern​(Pattern pattern)
        Sets the pattern that will be used to determine if a value is legal.
      • getPattern

        public Pattern getPattern()
        Returns the Pattern used to determine if a value is legal.
      • setMatcher

        protected void setMatcher​(Matcher matcher)
        Sets the Matcher used in the most recent test if a value is legal.
      • getMatcher

        protected Matcher getMatcher()
        Returns the Matcher from the most test.
      • stringToValue

        public Object stringToValue​(String text)
                             throws ParseException
        Parses text returning an arbitrary Object. Some formatters may return null.

        If a Pattern has been specified and the text completely matches the regular expression this will invoke setMatcher.

        stringToValue in class DefaultFormatter
        text - String to convert
        Object representation of text
        ParseException - if there is an error in the conversion